Friday, September 28, 2018

Kamen Rider Build Review.

Are you Ready?

Reviewing this series is going be a bit different and difficult because Build is a show with a number of shocking revelations and twists. Not to mention characters are interwoven tightly. I cannot give a full review without getting into massive spoilers and I feel the need to give some warning as the twists are one of Build's Strongest aspects. They will likely enhance your viewing experience by going in oblivious.
I should also mention that because of how intertwined the characters are, it makes my usual format a bit problematic, so I apologize in advance as I will ping-pong with some of the characters and plot points. With that, let's begin the experiment.

Kamen Rider Black Sun (Spoiler Free) Review.

  Black Sun is still a relatively new series, so I’m going to avoid Spoilers and keep this (mostly) short. I will touch upon some minor spoi...