Alright so bit of an update for the blog here and it's not something I typically do but there's been some noticeable changes around here I haven’t addressed yet.
First off, big overhaul on the aesthetics and a change in branding. Years ago I titled this blog 'Stranger's Showcase' after DC's Showcase line and of course the Phantom Stranger. The idea was I would showcase various shows, toys, and whatever else I wanted to. As the blog has primarily become (although not exclusive) to tokusatsu I've since decided I wanted to move away from the initial comic aesthetic and make use of an original character.
This is a piece I commissioned from the very talented Sarracenian, who you should really check out. Dude does some fantastic work. (Seriously, his Samus is amazing. Dude should make prints)
Now the header at the top I made myself, hence the..."quality" of the presentation.
The mascot with the totally clever name is based on a typewriter and a Coffee Locust, also called a Ghost Grasshopper. So I guess he's a Ghost Writer of sorts, which also works as a cute callback to the original branding.
Outside of that, not much is going to change drastically in terms of content. Although I do plan to branch outside of Tokusatsu again relatively soon. Speaking of reviews, there is some news that needs some addressing. First off I will be reviewing Taro and Leo...eventually. I mentioned this in my Ultraman Ace review.
I just don't know when I'll get around to them. I want to break up the monotony of both Ultra and Showa centric reviews. I do know that Leo will likely be a much shorter review because thus far I'm not really seeing much I can talk about outside of everyone being a jerk.
In the meantime I will be reviewing shorter one off projects before then, probably two or three before tackling a full series again. Hakaider is already up if you haven’t seen. Up next I have ZO, and most of that review is done I just have to go over it and get the photos ready, the latter of which is quite honestly the biggest pain in the ass on this platform.
After that I’m not 100% sure. I do know that October will have a long overdue review of Castlevania season 3, and I’m trying to get 4 done as well. Maybe have a review each week if I’m able to figure something out.
For far off future reviews, Millcreek has announced Gridman will be getting all new subtitles for their Bluray release which I am immensely thankful for. As such, I will be reviewing that series at some point, possibly before anymore Showa Ultra. Likewise Ultraman 80 went up for preorder along with The Ultraman. 80, like the rest of the Showa Ultra series, will eventually be reviewed and of course will be the last.

Additionally, Tiga, Dyna, and Gaia, got announced for a release by MillCreek and I...have some thoughts. The notable thing about this release is unlike all prior Ultra releases, these are on standard DVD and not Blu-Ray. MillCreek has said this is because they don't have 1080 masters from Tsuburaya and that they decided on DVDs for this release, indicating that there could be Blurays in the future.
I couldn't find anything on how Tiga-Gaia was filmed, maybe it was DV or even if it was on film it could've been edited on video so 1080 masters might not even be possible. Regardless there's still advantages to releasing on Blu-ray. Most standard definition shows are still compressed to a lower quality on DVD. An SD show on bluray does look (however small) better. Likewise, audio tracks aren't compressed as much and sound much better. Subtitles can also be presented in HD which makes the text very smooth and less blocky and therefore easier to read. Point being there are still advantages to the format even if the show itself isn't in full HD.
But the weirdest thing is that Tsuburaya has released remastered versions of all three shows on Bluray in Japan, and they re-released them recently.
So what the hell?
I'm happy these are finally getting a US release at all given all the rights issues with Tiga and even Dyna, but something feels off to me about this. I also have to wonder if the typical moviespree code will be omitted here. One of the issues with Tiga is that when it comes to streaming, TsuPro has to cut around the star, Hiroshi Nagano. This is something a lot of people probably noticed on the Youtube streams for Tiga during the lead up to Trigger. So having a digital copy of the shows might not be possible and be why Millcreek is choosing this route, perhaps saving a Bluray and codes for whenever that mess can be cleared up. It could also be that a lot of the Millcreek releases are reverse imported into Japan, they're all over Amazon Japan and about the same retail price. Perhaps that was seen as an issue with the recent JPN releases. But all that’s major speculation on my end.
Regardless, I’m going to wait on them because one:I want to know what the deal is, and two: they’re releasing in October, November and December which is way too close together at the end of the year. I gotta buy Birthday and Christmas gifts for folks.
Anyway, that's all the updates for now. The ZO review should hopefully be out this week, and I have a few smaller things I'm considering putting together after the fact, just nothing set in stone.
Oh, just one more thing. I have a
twitter now. Not using it much thus far, but I'll likely be live tweeting watching shows or some such.